

Goals and Objectives




Teaching Committee


Future Outlook

  Ta Hwa University of Science and Technology
  Department of Industrial Engineering Management  

Teaching Committee

A special committee has been set up. According to the faculty・s specialization and interest, we divided all related subjects into four areas of which different groups of faculty are in charge. The four areas include quality control, method improvement, business administration, and shop floor information. A leader has been selected from each group and periodic meeting is held so that we can achieve the best results in the aspect of teaching quality. The scheme of our department is as follows:
  1. To emphasize on real case teaching, strengthen students・ capabilities in solving real life problems.
  2. By the way of real case studying, plant visiting, and the involvement of part time faculty who are from the industry, we have co-op companies that enable resources exchanging possible and provide opportunity for applying theories on real cases.
  3. To strengthen students・ writing and presentation skills.
  4. To emphasize on the language training education and to improve students・ ability on reading, writing and speaking.
  5. To combine the practical training into regular course subjects. All purchased equipment must match our teaching requirement.
  6. To increase the number of optional courses so that it can provide a variety to meet students・ interests and make courses more flexibles.